New Business has nothing to do with advertising.  New Business is about the chase.

New Business is like chasing a new romance and advertising is like being married.

New Business people love the pursuit.

The appeal of working on New Business is the stimulation it provides.  You are hunting.

This doesn’t appeal to all.  Some people are outside people and some people are inside people.

Some people are finders and some people are grinders.

Both are valuable to organizations but a New Business person is an outside person.  They are finders not grinders.

The buzz of working on New Business is that you are learning new things in new categories so you are constantly updating your knowledge base.  This provides more career satisfaction than what can be the day to day grind of agency work.

The accumulation of knowledge forms the fundamental basis of the sales process.  New Business is not about hype. It is fact based as you are trying to solve a client’s pain point and most marketing today is grounded in fact based decision making.

One of the key measure that wins New Business is sweat equity.  If a prospect walks into a room and sees the walls literally covered with category advertising, photos of store checks, prints outs of websites, newsletters or whatever it immediately communicates how much the agency wants the client without a word being said.

Every client that I have worked with loves to talk about their business.

To succeed in New Business you need to immerse yourself in the client’s business and walk in their shoes.  If they are retailers visit them and their competitors, if they are an automotive company test drive their products and competitors.  If they are a food brand eat their products.

I once conducted an agency search for a weight loss product.  The agency started their presentation by saying everyone in the room had gone on the prospect’s weigh loss program.  It stimulated an immediate dialogue and started to build chemistry.

The agencies that are best at New Business do not chase rejection and low probability opportunities because they are disciplined.

They have a list of criteria that they measure each prospect against.  If they are not a fit they don’t submit. Weak agencies play the quarter slots.

Successful New Business people are great at building and maintaining relationships.  They remember the little things. Often the personal things. They learn over time what is important to the client in their career and their lives.

New Business people are great networkers and networking comes easy to them. They know that networking leads to relationships and the majority of New Business comes through relationships.  The best New Business enjoy talking to people often strangers. Non New Business people often totally dislike networking.

New Business isn’t for everyone but a successful New Business loves the pursuit and the emotional benefits that it provides.

You can connect with Hank on LinkedIn:

Follow his updates on twitter: @Hankblank

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Watch his Videos on New Business at

How to ensure you protect your agency by existing on more than just the odd referral

Referrals are by far and away the best and lowest-hanging fruits in terms of new business.

What better than using the warm glow of success from a previous job to attract the attention of another client?

A referral is an endorsement of quality and many agencies rely on leveraging the past for the future.

There are some downsides however.

If you only rely on referrals for your future, the biggest potential negative by far is the drag on creative innovation.

As a small business owner myself, I know that keeping all the plates spinning restricts your ability to devote time to developing new skills and products. As an agency, if you’re doing the same – or similar things – for one client after another, then you might be highly skilled in one direction but come up short in many others.

In short, you could be living in an echo chamber and not even realise it.

This is why it is essential to have two strings to your new business bow; one for referrals and one for exploration.

Probing new channels or markets is an essential skill in new business development. Many agency owners are hesitant to deploy this because it is viewed as resource-heavy. It’s not easy devoting time and money to courting new clients in new markets.

You have to prepare a whole new set of materials, for one thing.

Sometimes you have no track record or direct experience or credentials or (gasp!) referrals.

You have to get used to handling objections and answer a lot more questions than usual.

You need data, and lists, and insight and research.

But as you stand at the bottom of the mountain, looking at the summit, think about the view from the top, not the effort to get there.

Think about how a whole new sector of clients will stretch your agency’s skill set. Think about how many new and different referrals you will be able to sell from. Think about how many new and different awards you might be able to win.

But above all, think about how much more resilient you will make your agency against the winds of change.

Because a bit of new business NPD now will yield rich rewards further down the line – even if you’re able to identify what areas you DON’T want to target in future and why.

It doesn’t have to be an expensive process, but it is necessary in order to protect your agency from what you can’t see coming.

Speak to your friendly new business manager or new business development agency, or even invest some time yourself and get the right tools for the job.

Just don’t rely just on one form of new business and expect it to be never-ending.

Keith Smith is the Managing Director of The Advertist – the UK’s only unbiased, independent platform for agency new business intelligence.

The Advertist offers agencies of all sizes access to fresh, GDPR-compliant data and insight that enables productive and informed new business conversations.

Consumer credit reporting agency TransUnion recently reported a boom in consumer lending, with the total amount of US consumer loans outstanding reaching a whopping $138bn, or 17% more than last year.

The UK is going through a similar growth phase and the proof of this is the proliferation of new B2B and consumer banking brands that now seem to challenge the status quo.

TransUnion says that one of the main drivers of this rapid growth is lending by upstart fintechs, which accounted for over a third (38%) of all personal loans issued, a huge leap from just five years ago when they accounted for 5%.

As The Advertist has reported frequently, this flourishing area of the financial sector also offers marketing opportunities, as more Unicorns are born here than anywhere else.

In 2007, the lending sector was turned on its head with many of the establishment that had previously catered to this demand, retrenching and clawing back their lending.

Nature, we know abhors a vacuum and the banking industry’s loss was the fintech industry’s gain and using a combination of technology, flexible underwriting models, user-friendly web and mobile-based customer experiences, and clever customer acquisition strategies, they began dividing and conquering the customer base with bespoke, vertical banking products that fit with the needs of specific business or consumer models.

With physical costs reduced to the base minimum, the fintech players are outmanoevering the big banks, who are now all playing a desperate game of ‘catch up or acquire’ or they risk losing their bread and butter business.

The biggest obstacle for fintech is the law. Fintechs find it harder to qualify to play at the same tables as the big banks.  The temptation to cater to a more reckless business model can cause problems, such as their potential exposure to risk if the economy takes a serious turn for the worse. Everything appears fine as long as the economy is booming, but can the new fintech players withstand a financial Tsunami?

What has become clear is that branding, customer experience and catchy marketing is just as important in the financial sector as it is anywhere else. The opportunities to productize finance into vertical offerings and to create solutions to meet specific demands is where the big banks can learn.

And whether that is through acquisition or evolution, only time will tell but if you are looking for opportunities to sell your agency’s solutions; be it PR, branding, digital, UX, creative or experiential, the financial sector is worth exploring right now.

To stay up to date with all the news, insight, reports, intel and new business opportunities, lists and contacts across 24 different sectors of UK business, subscribe to The Advertist.

The Advertist is the UK’s only source of independent, timely and insightful new business news contact information and opportunities. We do the heavy lifting for the UK’s new business industry.

Any fans of either Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul will be used to the utter resistance to quit displayed by the brilliant character of James (Jimmy) McGill.

And like other “keep going” motivational memes on the internet, there is a lesson for anyone working in sales.

Because sales isn’t all upside. It isn’t always about busting targets. Sometimes sales seem evasive and new business is like one of those nightmares when your horizon is always moving away from you.

That’s when you find out if you have the chops for the job. Sometimes you even have to create the job in order to sell it but when Jimmy’s down, he’s never out.

Sure, his approach isn’t always above-board and I’m not recommending any underhand tactics but attitude is what carries you through the day.

Sales is about hope – and confidence in that hope. Confidence will drive the method and the method will drive the sales. The sales will pay the bills.

Jimmy McGill is the ultimate embodiment of the motto: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and there’s a lot of truth in that saying.

Give yourself the belief that you can power through the tough times because your resourcefulness is unfathomable.

Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and get back on the horse. Or find another horse. Or even a motorbike but whatever you get on, go forward.

Adverty bit

If you need new business, you need new business tools. The Advertist is the UK’s only independent new business platform. Our service enables you to create your own new business campaigns using our intelligent suite of user-friendly tools and data.

Business Development appointment at Fantastic Media

Lucy Snell, Co-founder of Cherry Business Consulting takes us through the problems, advantages and pitfalls of outsourcing your most valuable job function – new business development:

You recognise that you need external support with your new business drive but how do you decide between appointing a freelance new business consultant to work on your business development or whether to hire a specialist new business agency. There are some advantages and disadvantages to both which I’ve listed below.

  1. Cost

A new business freelancer will typically cost less than hiring a new business agency. Usually agencies have overheads such as offices and staff that they need to cover. Having said that agencies are able to charge more because of the breadth and depth of experience of their combined team which I’ll go through in the next point.

  1. Breadth of experience

With a freelancer you are accessing the experience of just one person whereas when you are working with a new business agency you have access to the wider team experience. Usually within the team they will have worked for similar agency to yours and will have targeted the sectors and markets you are looking to approach.

Often agencies are structured so that you have a more experienced person developing the new business strategy and then a junior person implementing the campaign. I believe though that the execution needs to be strategic too. You only get one chance to impress. Emails need to be tailored and personalised (more than just by changing the name) and when you are on the phone to a senior marketing officer, you need to be able to demonstrate knowledge of their business, their challenges and the market that they operate in. A more junior person may struggle with this.

  1. Holiday cover/maternity leave cover

Sometimes this needn’t be a massive issue as with adequate notice you can find someone to cover for holiday period or maternity leave however it’s worth bearing in mind that when you work with a freelancer, it’s up to you to work this out but when you are working with a new business agency they will provide seamless cover so you don’t have to worry about it.

  1. Person working on your business

People buy people, creative agencies often wheel in their most impressive people for pitches and then have other more junior people running the accounts. It can be the same for new business agencies. Just make sure when you are deciding who to work with that you ask to meet the person who will be doing the day-to-day implementation for you. Do you like them? Do you trust them to represent your business and brand in the way you want them to?  Also find out about staff turnover rates. The most frustrating thing I hear from creative agencies owners is that they spend ages briefing someone and getting them up to speed for them to then leave 3 months down the line.

  1. Process

Some new business agencies, typical those with larger teams to manage, will have more rigid processes in place and will want to agree a fixed amount of time to work per month. This may be exactly what you need however some creative agencies need more flexible support, they may need help on different areas of new business, they may not know what they need and it might also be better to scale time up and down throughout the year according to key buying periods and holiday periods. Think about your agency and what you need.

  1. Time to manage them

Some freelancers may need more support from you and you might need to allocate more time each week to manage them. This will really depend on the seniority of the person you choose to work with. If you work with a new business agency, they will have someone managing the team, someone who knows how to motivate and incentivise sales people. Usually however a good, experienced freelancer will be able to manage themselves.

I hope these points help you decide what it best for your business. My advice would be to consider all options, meet with 3 or 4 different providers and then use your gut feeling to decide who to work with. Get that backed up by references and get them to meet your team and ask them what they think before you make your final decision.

Lucy Snell can be found at