Howard Gossage – often dubbed the “Socrates of San Francisco,” revolutionised advertising in the 1950s and 60s with his unconventional and humanistic approach. So it took two equally unconventional and humanistic creatives – Steve Harrsion and Dave Dye, to write – no, craft – a book documenting some of the most captivating and exemplary pieces of Gossage’s short but prolific career, producing a form of advertising so ahead of its time that we’re only now catching up with it.

The problem is, like the man in the river surrounded by crocodiles, we’ve forgotten that the original objective was to get to the other side.

We’ve forgotten the point of advertising – and that is to entertain.

Gossage was a born showman and it lived and breathed in his work, which is what makes it sadly unique.

If you’ve never been Gossaged before, I suggest you start here. If you have, then I hope you’ll appreciate this podcast and an opportunity to reminisce on a lost period of advertising that we still have a chance to reclaim and make advertising great again.

Thank you to Steve Harrison and Dave Dye for a memorable podcast.

All of us at The Advertist invite you to check out The Fuel Podcast, where we pull on the experience of leaders of companies in a variety of sectors with loads of fantastic interviews, tips and tales.

To check out this episode of the podcast click here.

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Our MD Keith Smith filled the hot seat for an interview with influencer May King Tsang for her FOMO live broadcast recently.

Here’s a video catch up of the show.

In it, they discuss Keith’s background and how The Advertist came into being, how a chance encounter over the socials led to a long-term collaboration, podcasting and charity work. Importantly Keith discusses his ‘Flywheel’ principle of sales and marketing, where one origin piece fuels another action, which drives another action and another.

Sometimes, where we’re faced with so many platforms to promote our business on, it’s best to simplify and do one or two things and do them well.

Get your agency’s new business started with The Advertist.  What do you do when the referrals dry up? Do you think it would be better to make new business part of your weekly routine? All the experts agree and a project in motion, stays in motion. You can take a 2-day free trial of the UK’s leading new business development platform and see for yourself how it can elevate your new business workflow: Daily new business opportunity news. The UK’s most accurate and comprehensive brand and company contact database. Daily people moves. The UK’s ONLY new business tender alert service. Hot news of investments, VC funding, tech startups, spinouts and MBOs Sector intelligence, market reports, marketing spend, trends and SWOT charts. Take a free trial here: