It’s not fine. It’s far from fine. It’s about as far from fine as it could be. Gustav Martner is the Creative Director of Greenpeace Nordics and earlier this year, he handed back one of his many Cannes Lions as a headline-grabbing protest against the advertising industry that is still rewarding companies that are causing maximum harm to our planet, while they gaslight us into thinking they are doing good.

Enough already! It has to stop and Gustav explains why.

He’s on a mission to have advertising from fossil fuel companies banned and if your agency works for a fossil fuel company, then he’s coming for your budgets.

And a milder, more level-headed guy you couldn’t wish to meet. He’s not some tree-hugging hippie that glues himself to the motorway. He understands the whole argument because he’s been on the other side of the fence, running agencies and working for big oil, big aviation and big auto but he’s seen the light…and it’s fading fast.

Here’s a show about how the advertising industry can still do what it does best, but as a force for good for the planet.

Gustav Martner’s LinkedIn profile:

The Cannes Lion protest in full:

All of us at The Advertist invite you to check out The Fuel Podcast, where we pull on the experience of leaders of companies in a variety of sectors with loads of fantastic interviews, tips and tales.

To check out this episode of the podcast click here.

In Episode 1 of the New Business Masterclass, Kimi Gilbert of renowned new business agency The Future Factory (TFF), explains what it takes to be a great new business person.

In her role as Managing Partner at TFF, Kimi trains and coaches new business executives and teams on the art of designing and managing new business programs.


The New Business Masterclass is a chance for anyone working in the field of creative and digital agency new business and business development, to up their game with advice from the proven experts.

The New Business Masterclass was designed to capture the advice of some of the leading personalities in the world of agency new business for the greater good of the industry.

Each month, we’ll be bringing you short presentations from recognized new business experts such as Future Factory’s Kimi Gilbert, the ever popular Ben Potter, sales supremo Brad Smith, design specialist Jeremy Davies and new business agency legend Natasha Ellard-Shoefield.

So keep an eye out for new episodes, just head on over to our YouTube channel at

And subscribe – and don’t forget to hit the like button, so that YouTube continues to promote us and the highly important work that everyone in the world of agency new business does.

Like Donald Trump after an FBI raid, the climate deniers’ argument keeps changing. Rachel Konrad stands on the battlements for our planet and challenges the fossil fuel companies and the intensive farming lobby every day. Hailing from Motown itself – Detroit to become one of Silicon Valley’s leading tech evangelists, Rachel knows only too well the environmental catastrophe we face and she’s leading the charge to help educate us and show us that marketing can be used as a force for good as well as bad.

In this show, Rachel walks us through her journey to enlightenment and explains how the powerful lobbyists for the meat industry and the fossil fuel industry have hijacked the narrative to benefit their bottom line.

The answer is actually very simple and all it needs is a common-sense, bullshit-free perspective. Rachel is pretty much the ambassador for common sense and straight-talking, so watch out for some hard truths and uncomfortable facts.

Being disruptive is destructive and it comes with its own challenges. Rachel’s job as Chief Brand Officer at The Production Board, a unique venture foundry created by Dave Friedberg focused on businesses that reverse global warming and improve human health stands at the vanguard of the green tech movement.

In this show Rachel also outlines the 3 leading factors for successful plant-based food marketing and why having a moral righteousness is critical if companies want to avoid greenwashing claims. She also spills the beans on Elon Musk’s work ethic and provides the perfect response to anyone who tells her to calm down.

Show notes

Rachel Konrad’s LinkedIn profile:

The Production Board:

All of us at The Advertist invite you to check out The Fuel Podcast, where we pull on the experience of leaders of companies in a variety of sectors with loads of fantastic interviews, tips and tales.

To check out this episode of the podcast click here.